Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spring Cleaning #2 The kitchen

Let's spend a few days in the kitchen.  The old adage The Kitchen is the heart of the home holds true in our house.  My hubby likes to go to bed with a clean kitchen.  Usually he is the one who makes it happen.  But as of late I am trying to bless him by making sure it is cleaned up before I go to bed.  Today in the kitchen we are just going to clean off the counters.  We have a junk counter in ours which just gets piled with JUNK.  I would take a picture but I'm too embarrassed.  So my goal for today is to put all that is on that counter into an empty laundry basket, wipe down the counters, get hubby to granite polish them, and then put those items that belong on the counters back up.  Then I will take my basket of junk and sort, purge, and put away.  
Join me in the kitchen and give those counters a treat.  I will take pics once I am done and post the results.
Mrs W linked me to her laundry yesterday in comments feel free to link me to a photo of your accomplished counters. :)

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