Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Girls Weekend

Once a year I get together with a few girlfriends and head out on the town.  We are homeschooling moms who live about as far away from each other as you can get.  Between us we leave 15 kids in the capable hands of our husbands.  I literally breathe deep the whole weekend.  These two women have listened to me whine, rejoice, cry heavily over broken dreams, and laugh.  At their feet I glean wisdom.
This year one of friends couldn't make it.  Logistics just couldn't be had.  God has a reason for that....but it sure was a different time without her, besides we all know how much getting away recharges us.
I plum wore myself out this weekend.  Time was spent walking all over the riverwalk, and alamo.  Eating whatever I wanted, and doing whatever struck our mood.  We also managed to run a 5k at Sea World after the above walking!  Good times.


danneromero said...

taking time to breath is wonderful...

i am a teacher and always wonder if i'd be able to homeschool....

you must be so busy...

and, yeah, for a full recovery!

(i found you at heather's site - finding macau)...

Traci said...

Homeschooling is challenging yet so rewarding. Spending that much time investing in your children is a blessing. It is not for everyone or for every season. Glad you found me via Heather. She is a sweet friend of mine that i travel the world vicariously through.