Friday, May 30, 2008

And summer is supposed to be relaxing.........

then tell me exactly why it seems every day is booked until August 4, 2008 the exact day I had chosen to start our 08-09 school year!  Oh man!  So on the list is swim lessons x3 kids, summer league (with no meets hallelujah) x2 kids all for 4 weeks.  Add Scout camp x2, day scout camp x1, teen theatre x1 and all-star baseball x1 kid.  Honestly though I am looking forward to them getting wet every day, its hot here in Texas ya know.  The girls are thrilled to be going to camp since they were flooded out last summer, Ian  is excited to start earning achievements in his Bear scout book, and the littles desperately want to get into the pool they have been staring at while I signed them up for lessons.  
We did finish school today.  We have a few odds and ends to wrap up but I plan on using those left behind assignments to keep the brain gears greased through the summer.  We celebrated by giving the older 3 a lil kinz We care webkinz from walgreens and their certificates of completion.  

Next year I will be attempting a modified 4 weeks of school 1 week off to catch up or vacation depending on how far behind they got.  Should be good incentive to stay on task (for me and for
 them)  I will try and keep ya posted on how it goes.  Currently I am reading through Core 5 Ig and the K IG from Sonlight.

Also the house has taken a hit in the cleanliness department so I will be focusing my efforts on reigning it back in.  In the 
meantime here is a little fun Avery had in the front yard the other day

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